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2023-06-30 15:43:38 作者:小原翻译|VISITORS: 553|来源:互联网




    Legal translation is a highly specialized field of translation. The

  following certificate translation company will tell you how legal translation

  needs to be carried out.


    1. First of all, elitisation


    Legal translation is mainly aimed at elite groups, with high quality

  requirements and technical difficulties. The main clients are lawyers,

  foreign-funded enterprises, import and export companies and other social

  upper-class groups. These elite groups have high requirements for the accuracy

  of translation. Accurate legal translation also means high technical

  difficulties. In a sense, legal translators are also the elites of society.


    2. Secondly, specialization



    Due to the differences between Chinese and foreign laws, there is no

  precise correspondence between Chinese and foreign legal terms. Therefore, when

  translating legal terms, we can not directly map to the past, but need to

  differentiate and analyze Chinese and foreign legal terms, and even create new

  ones. Therefore, legal translation requires both legal and foreign languages. A

  foreign language learner who does not understand the law and a law learner who

  is not proficient in foreign languages can not do this job well. Legal

  translation is a specialized work. The specialization of legal translation

  includes two aspects: one is the specialization of translators, the other is the

  specialization of translation companies. The reason why an interpreter must be a

  professional interpreter is that his energy and ability are limited, and his

  mastery of law and English is not easy. If he does everything in his

  professional field, he can not become a legal translator. His products will be

  unqualified in terms of quality and speed of production.


    The reason why a translation company is a professional translation company

  must have the following conditions:


    (1) To employ highly paid interpreters with foreign languages and legal

  knowledge structure;


    (2) To engage Chinese and foreign legal experts to serve as full-time and

  part-time legal advisers to consult the legal differences between China and

  foreign countries; and (3) to effectively establish a multi-expert translation

  process to ensure that the products are subject to multiple tests of language,

  culture and law.


    3. Thirdly, impartiality


    Legal translation is a part of the legal profession, so fairness should

  also be the most basic principle of legal translation. As far as court

  translation is concerned, the interpreter is the communication channel between

  the speaker and the speaker. On the surface, fairness does not seem to be a

  problem, but in many cases, the interpreter is regarded as the "language and

  psychological refuge" of the spokesman, that is to say, the spokesman strives to

  obtain support from the interpreter, or seek relief, and the interpreter is not

  affected to a certain extent. On the other hand, the interpreter may take the

  initiative to play the role of protector, biased towards one side.


    At this time, they are not only conveying information to the speaker, but

  also speaking to themselves. No matter how many reasons the interpreter or the

  parties have for supporting the interpreter to exceed his or her authority, from

  the perspective of comprehensive professional requirements, the interpreter

  should still adhere to fairness and impartiality in principle. Court

  interpretation is the same as written translation.

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  • 地址1:佛山市禅城区汾江中路144号科华大厦1002室(创业大厦正对面)

    电话:0757-82285965 13318391728

  • 地址2:佛山市禅城区魁奇路澜石(国际)金属交易中心大厅一楼

    电话:0757-82285965 13318391728


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