外交军事 Foreign and Military Affairs
1. 全球治理体系改革和建设
to reform and develop the global governance system
2. 共商共建共享的全球治理观
an approach to global governance based on extensive consultation, joint contribution, and shared benefits
3. 新型国际关系
a new form of international relations
a new model of international relations
4. 人类命运共同体
a global community of shared future
a global community with a shared future
a community of shared future for humanity
a community of shared future for mankind
5. 国内开放的大门只会越开越大
China will only become more and more open.
6. 国内市场这么大,欢迎大家都来看看
The Chinese market is such a big one that you should all come and see what it can offer.
7. 加大对**不发达国家支持力度
to increase support to least developed countries
8. 推进互联互通,挖掘增长新动力
to boost connectivity to explore new sources of growth
9. 加强政策对接,打造更紧密伙伴关系
to strengthen policy coordination and build closer partnerships
10. 全球互联互通伙伴关系
a global partnership on connectivity
11. “一带一路”专项贷款
the Belt and Road multi-currency special lending
12. 磋商要相互尊重、平等互利
Consultations should be based on mutual respect, equality, and mutual benefit.
13. 磋商要相向而行、诚信为本
Consultation involves working toward the same goal in good faith.
14. 国内在原则问题上决不让步
China will not give ground on issues of principle.
15. 任何挑战都挡不住国内前进的步伐
No challenge will hold back China’s development.
16. 以联合国为核心的国际体系
the UN-centered international system
17. 单边主义
18. 保护主义
19. 治理赤字
deficit of governance
20. 发展赤字
deficit of development
21. 信任赤字
deficit of trust
22. 营造和平稳定的安全环境
to foster a security environment of peace and stability
23. 霸权主义和强权政治
hegemonism and power politics
24. 谋求开放创新的发展前景
to pursue greater development prospects through openness and innovation
25. 多边主义
26. 多边贸易体制
multilateral trading system
27. 《巴黎协定》
The Paris Agreement (on climate change)
28. 促进互学互鉴的人文交流
to promote mutual learning through people-to-people exchanges
29. 共商共建共享
extensive consultation, joint contribution, and shared benefits
30. 世界多极化、经济全球化、文化多样化、社会信息化
The world today is moving toward greater multi-polarity, economic globalization, and cultural diversity, and is becoming increasingly information-oriented.
31. 和平安宁的亚洲
peace and stability across Asia
32. 共同繁荣的亚洲
common prosperity in Asia
33. 开放融通的亚洲
an open and better-connected Asia
34. 各国合力推进开放、包容、普惠、平衡、共赢的经济全球化
Countries will work together to promote economic globalization and make itmore open, inclusive, balanced, and beneficial to all.
35. 展示和传播文明之美
for the best of Asian civilizations to spread and be better known in the world
36. 开放包容、互学互鉴
to stay open and inclusive and draw on each other’s strengths
37. 新兴市场国家
emerging markets
38. 谋求开放创新的发展前景
to pursue greater development prospects through openness and innovation
39. 新科技革命和产业变革方兴未艾
A burgeoning round of technological revolution and industrial transformation has taken place.
40. 推动全球经济治理体系变革
to push for reform of the global economic governance system
41. 金砖+
“BRICS Plus”
42. 金砖国家新工业革命伙伴关系
the BRICS partnership on new industrial revolution
43. 独立自主的和平外交政策
the independent foreign policy of peace
44. 中非命运共同体
the China-Africa community with a shared future
45. 中拉命运共同体
the China-LAC (Latin America and the Caribbean) community with a shared future
46. 亚太命运共同体
the Asia-Pacific community with a shared future
47. 世界各国互利合作
the mutually beneficial cooperation of countries around the world
48. 深化文明交流互鉴
to enhance exchanges and mutual learning between civilizations
49. 搬不走的好邻居、拆不散的真伙伴
a good neighbor who won’t move away, and a true partner who can’t be separated
50. 历久弥坚金不换
to remain unshakable and becoming even firmer as time goes by, and being so valuable that we would not exchange it even for gold
51. 独立自主和对外开放相统一
integration of independence and opening up to the outside world
52. 推动“一带一路”创新合作与民心相通
to promote innovation cooperation and people-to-people ties along the Belt and Road
53. 第二届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛
The Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation
54. 国内和意大利分处古丝绸之路两端,开展“一带一路”合作天经地义
Located at both ends of the ancient Silk Road, it is perfectly natural for China and Italy to advance cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative.
55. 我们对于时间的理解,不是以十年、百年为计,而是以百年、千年为计
In our understanding, time cannot be measured in ten years or a hundred years, but in hundreds of years or thousands of years.
56. 我们应该保持定力,不随波逐流,坚持独立自主,坚持相互尊重
We should remain committed, stay true to our value, and adhere toindependence and mutual respect.
57. 国内改革开放已经走过40年历程,未来开放的大门将越开越大
China’s reform and opening up have gone through the course of 40 years, and the door of opening up will be even wider in the future.
58. 对一个国家的评价,不能只看面积,也要看文化的影响力和对人类文明发展的推动力
When we evaluate a country, we should not just look at its size, but we need to consider its cultural impacts and its impetus in advancing human civilization.
59. 今天的“一带一路”成为沿线国家共同描绘的“工笔画”
Today the Belt and Road Initiative has become a “meticulous painting” jointly done by countries along the routes.
60. 知古可以鉴今,为了更好前行
By learning from history, we can draw lessons to guide today’s actions and move forward to a better future.
61. 要把中法关系发展好,政治互信是关键,务实合作是必由之路,国民感情是基础
To make the China-France relations strong, mutual political trust is the key, pragmatic cooperation is the inevitable route, and friendship between the two peoples is the foundation.
62. 既要畅通政府间合作的“主渠道”,也要丰富民间交往的“涓涓细流”
We should not only smooth the “main channel” of inter-governmental cooperation but also enhance the “trickle” of non-governmental exchanges.
63. 携手合作、互利共赢才是解决各种全球性问题的唯一正确选择
Working together for mutual benefit and win-win results is the only correctchoice to solve global problems of all kinds.
64. 中德不是竞争者,更不是对手,以合作谋共赢是中德关系发展的主线
China and Germany are not competitors, let alone rivals. And seeking win-win results through cooperation is the major concern in developing China-Germany relations.
65. 各国应该有以天下为己任的担当精神,积极做行动派、不做观望者
All countries should regard taking part in world affairs as their own duty and actively take actions rather than being on lookers.
66. 坚持全球事务由各国人民商量着办,积极推进全球治理规则民主化
Upholding the principle that global affairs should be settled by the people of the world through consultation, and actively advancing the democratizationof global governance rules.
67. 我们要把互尊互信挺在前头,把对话协商利用起来,坚持求同存异、聚同化异
We must put mutual respect and mutual trust in the first place, make good use of dialogue and consultation, and seek common ground while shelving and narrowing differences.
68. 要坚持正确义利观,以义为先、义利兼顾,构建命运与共的全球伙伴关系
It is necessary to adhere to the correct concept of justice and interests,put righteousness first, uphold justice while pursuing shared interests, andbuild a global partnership that shares the common future.
69. 摒弃冷战思维、零和博弈的旧思维,摒弃弱肉强食的丛林法则,以合作谋和平、以合作促安全,坚持以和平方式解决争端
We must discard Cold-War and zero-sum mentalities, reject the Law of the Jungle, seek peace and promote safety through cooperation, and insist on settling disputes through peaceful means.
70. 我们要坚持创新驱动,打造富有活力的增长模式;坚持协同联动,打造开放共赢的合作模式;坚持公平包容,打造平衡普惠的发展模式
We should pursue a model of dynamic growth driven by innovation, a model ofcooperation featuring coordination and connectivity, open and win-win, and a model of development based on fairness, inclusiveness, balance and benefits forall.
71. 历史发展、文明繁盛、人类进步,从来离不开思想引领
The development of history, the prosperity of civilization, and the progress of mankind can never be separated from the guidance of thought.
72. 坚持相互尊重,坚持合作共赢、开放包容理念,通过做大合作蛋糕逐渐消弭分歧
We should adhere to mutual respect, the concept of win-win cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, and gradually eliminate differences by baking a bigger cake of cooperation.
73. 军委主席负责制
the principle of ultimate responsibility resting with the chairman of the Central Military Commission
74. 国防和军队改革
reform on national defense and the military
75. 军事政策制度改革
reform on military policies and institutions
76. 强军战略
the strategy of strengthening the military
77. 军队建设发展“十三五”规划
the 13th Five-Year Plan for the development of the military
78. 努力做新时代的好战士
to be good soldiers of the new era
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